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I’m Chantelle and my passion for health & fitness started at a young age from growing up spending most of my time in a gym, training and competing in gymnastics. This experience shaped me for who I am today and taught me that if you want to achieve then you have to work for it. Be prepared to fall then get up again and keep going, but the journey is worth it. However long it takes and how however many times you take it. 

Before I became a personal trainer I worked as PA for 10 years working my way up to bigger and better roles supporting powerful women pursue their best. 

Now I’m that person who takes you on that journey, makes sure you have fun on the way, shouts your name from the side line, picks you up when you fall and congratulates you at the finish line. 


I train women to get strong, feel good and achieve goals they couldn’t do on their own. 


I specialise in ante & postnatal exercise and strength and conditioning. I am a mum myself and I’ve helped women regain strength and confidence following pregnancy & birth and helped them understand what their body and mind is capable of. 


I love my job. 

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